By Veechi Shahi, co-founder of Namaste Retreats India
Maybe you remember times in your life when you felt overwhelmed, extremely sensitive or you suddenly started crying because your emotions got the better of you and you couldn’t help it. And you just couldn’t stop crying. Or you had anger bottled up and then one day you exploded in uncontrollable rage. These experiences are part of the phenomenon known as Emotional Catharsis.
Emotional catharsis is an unconscious emotional reaction in which our suppressed emotions are displayed in all their rawness on someone. It is often associated with situations where we’re feeling vulnerable or triggered. Because it is such an intense expression of emotion there is great possibility this might spoil the human relationships at home, work and, in general, if it is allowed to release unconsciously on others it will leave one to regret this displaced emotional release.
However, emotions can be released consciously and it concerns a lot of people – some even wonder if catharsis is dangerous. But although it’s often quite “dramatic,” the conscious process of emotional catharsis is never dangerous. Quite the contrary — it is actually very liberating. It takes us beyond just intellectually assessing the adverse situation we’re in. Instead, we learn to not suppress our emotions; we let out all the emotional turmoil we were keeping in. Ultimately, it helps us understand and express what we’re truly feeling.